15 December 6-8pm
Online Zoom Event

Image: Image credit: Cat Ingrams - Outpost 2, drypoint engraving
"What does the artist do? He draws connections. He ties the invisible threads between things. He dives into history, be it the history of mankind, the geological history of the Earth or the beginning and end of the manifest cosmos." Anselm Kiefer
2022 has been a busy and pivotal year for Blue Monkey Network, with a bumper crop of events featuring a wide range of artists, ideas and practical challenges – not least the transition to a new, distributed, structure: It could have been our final year, but thanks to the energy, ingenuity and team spirit of our members, we are looking forward to coming together again with fresh eyes in 2023. Before she retreats from the producer's chair to spend more time in the studio, Cat had a few reflections to share on the theme of connection: – how do we connect, communicate as humans, as artists, as Earthlings, with ourselves, the work, the world and the audience, especially now? No answers were presented, just another drift/derive of questions, anecdotes and rabbit holes inspired and informed by the intense interactivity and diverse content of the "DIY year".
Cat Ingrams studied Philosophy [Sussex, BA 1987, MA 1989], taught English in Barcelona, finally reaching Art [Brighton, Fine Art Sculpture 2003], and has been admin at Blue Monkey Network since 2012. She has been coordinating the events programme with Nikki Davidson-Bowman during 2022 and will continue to produce the opportunities newsletter from her bunker next year.
A big thank you to Cat for a wonderfully inspiring talk. Ideas on philosophy, semiotics, and art were thoughtfully threaded together with a rich tapestry of images that left you with much to think about, take away and unravel!
To view the Only Connect talk, please click on the link below. A transcript of Cat Ingrams 'Only Connect" Talk is available on request. Please email bluemonkeynetcat@gmail.com