Thursday 17th August 2023 Towner Eastbourne (Studio 3)
Devonshire Park, College Road
BN21 4JJ

In April this year Blue Monkey artist member Nikki Davidson-Bowman attended a symposium “(M)otherhood” at Tate St Ives, inspired by the Barbara Hepworth exhibition ’Art & Life’ that was there before coming to Towner. Using Hepworth as her muse and inspirations from the symposium, Nikki took us on a subjective meander through holes, threads, life & art from her viewpoint as an artist mother and how it may or may not impact your practice.
The talk, sensitively looked at a narrative of primarily female artists, in relation to motherhood, childlessness (not by choice and infertility) as well as experiences of grief. Blue Monkey Net would like to thank Nikki for such a well-informed, well-researched, and thought-provoking presentation which inspired a lively discussion and feedback from the audience afterward on such an interesting subject.

Nikki is a conceptual artist working with found things - vintage photographs, ephemera, words, and natural finds from therapeutic walking - to explore female stories of resilience.