June 20th 2024
ESK Warehouse, Courtlands Road
Eastbourne BN22 8TR

Waterweek artists Charlotte Still and Clare Whistler invited Blue Monkey Network to join them on a walk along the Horsey Sewer with their new project ‘Watercycle’ a mobile pop-up water hub with guest interventions along the way.
For several years, artists Clare Whistler and Charlotte Still have been following an organic process of where being with and thinking about water will take them. A water wandering; inquisitive, interactive, immersive, reflective, poetic, experiential, unexpected, spontaneous and flowing. On the way they have constantly looked for ways to share their experience and convey their rapidly growing concerns and reverence for water.
Blue Monkey Network would like to thank Charlotte Still and Clare Whistler and her group for providing a lovely Water Cycle evening of song, music and dance and an interesting walk through the hidden waterways of Eastbourne.